Review: 2019 Finca Decero Malbec

Originally we were planning on having another themed week after last week's Patagonia, but reconsidered when one of us couldn't find a wine in their southern state to make the creative brief. We apologize to the tends of readers this site reaches on a weekly basis. Instead, we are going freeform this week, starting off with this Mendoza bottle from the Remolinos vineyard in the Luján de Cuyo sub-region. I normally find most from Luján to be enjoyable and pleasant. Hoping this is the case today.

Nose: Violet and cherry, with a savory note of charred pork and spice with a little bit of time in the glass. Some cracked black pepper eventually emerges and the pork note recedes, leaving the sweeter notes coming to the foreground.

Palate: Quite a bit more cherry and raspberry here. Holds its strength well and stays balanced with light acidity and tannins. The oak influence becomes present during subsequent sips, with a bit more vanilla and leather arriving.

Finish: Medium. Stays as advertised on the nose and palate. 

This is a respectable Mendoza. Nothing miraculous or offensive, nothing too complex. It's a serviceable bottle at a dinner party that won't irritate any Malbec fans in attendance. Worth considering if looking for something out of the ordinary.


Finca Decero