Review: 2018 Valentin Bianchi Family Estate

We are coming down the home stretch for reviews before we take a mild break to catch our breath, and maybe have a Chardonnay to cleanse the palate. We saved these three final reviews so that we would be able to enjoy them both, in person, after a long year of reviewing from different coasts. We met in late September in neutral territory (St. Louis, wine capital of the universe) and uncorked these bottles and a few more with friends and family. So let's drop the first one: a 2018 bottle from Bianchi. According to the tech spec sheet from their website, this 100% malbec was harvested from grapes located in two different vineyards (Dona Elsa Estate and Asti Estate) in San Rafael, Mendoza. It also spent an additional four months in French oak barrels. Let's see how it pours, and how we collaborate on the final reviews of 2022.

Nose: Big dark fruit, much to no amazement of either of us, but not as spicy or pepper-laced as we had hoped. On multiple passes and some time, both begin to faintly emerge. A bit of vanilla as well. The dark fruit moves in a sweeter direction with more time in the glass. 

Palate: Pretty the same as on the initial passes on the nose. It comes in very heavy with blackberry and plum. Blueberry and a bit of oak emerge along with brighter vanilla extract with subsequent sips. Eventually, things settle down and the balance is made, but those who lack patience may find this endeavor challenging. Very approachable with medium body, mild acidity, and punchy tannins. 

Finish: Satisfying and long. The dark fruit contracts and the oak and vanilla pick up the pace. Ideal for sitting by a campfire.

A very lovely bottle that will probably drink even better in a year or so. This would be lovely for the crisper, colder months of the season. There are times when we, argue back and forth on whether or not one should pay more than $25 for a bottle, or whether we should even write and review bottles in that price range. This makes us second-guess ourselves once more.
