Rant: Inside Baseball, 2022

Never being one not to measure what we make, we fed some data points from this year's reviews into an excel sheet to figure out where our strengths and weaknesses are to be found. Think of it like our Harper's Index for 2022.

Average price per bottle reviewed: $25.52

# of bottles per price range:

-    $10 and under: 16
-    $11-  $19: 32
-    $20 - 49: 59
-    $50 - 100: 10
-    Over $100: 2

Pretty decent distribution. Something for everyone. 

Most affordable bottle: 5-way tie at $7 (Barefoot, Kirkland Signature, Member’s Mark, Mendoza Station, Woodbridge Mondavi)

Most expensive bottle: Catena Zapata Nicasia Vineyard Malbec ($110)

Most reviewed brands:
Domaine Bousquet: 5
Catena (own name): 4
La Posta (Catena): 3

We reviewed close to 100 different vineyards this year. Not too shabby. 

Vintage Year:
2018: 39
2019: 31
2020: 18
2017: 17
2021: 7
NV: 6
5 years with 3 reviews and below.

Again, reasonably decent distribution. We're keeping it easy.

Country of origin:
Argentina: 80
USA: 23
Chile: 12
France: 2
Uruguay: 1
New Zealand: 1

For 2023 we are looking to improve on this metric, adding more coverage from France and we are keenly interested in exploring Uruguay more in-depth, along with other countries off the beaten path. It should also be no surprise that Mendoza was our largest region. 

In 'merica, we tended to align with the usual suspects -- covering Washington and California the most. We are interested in expanding coverage in Oregon for next year.  

This concludes our report.