Review: 2018 Viña Chocalán Vitrum Malbec

And so we wrap up our final (promise) excursion to Chile for the year with one of the pricier bottles in our purchase. I can't speak for my partner-in-crime currently writing for this site, but I am somewhat relieved to be returning back to Argentina and USA for the remainder of my planned reviews for the year. It's been an educational ride, to be sure. So let's do one final send-off to a country still trying to find its feet in the Malbec world.

Nose: Some oak and mild fruit coming through at first, but I am taken by surprise to how similar this is to a Malbec one would find in Mendoza. Lots of violet, baking spice and currant that unfold with some time in the glass. The violet becomes more present with each sniff. 

Palate: Comes in as on the palate with blackberry (again, think Mendoza) and some oak. Decent texture and the tannins are mild to medium. The floral and spice influence wears off and the blackberry and plum take center stage all the way to the end. 

Finish: Medium-long. The oak and spice wash out and the dark fruit has the final word. The tannins and acidity linger for a bit, and there's some pepper on the end that is most welcome. 

I wish I would have waited about a year or so to open this bottle. I have a feeling that there's so much more here I am missing by opening it sooner than later. It is complex and delightful, and if you end up purchasing, gentle reader, it may be best to get two and store one away. 


Chocalan Wines