Review: 2018 Santa Rita 120 Reserva Especial

If you noticed our rant from earlier this week, you'll noticed that we have gone on a snark diet and have trimmed the number edgy comments and attempts at wit to deliver more straightforward reviews and facts. It's not going well, because gentle reader I have failed you. I am about to tell you that I do not practice Santa Rita, nor do I have a crystal ball or a million dollars. Now that we have that terrible dad pun out of our systems (thank you), let's get down to brass tacks with this bottle from Chile's Central Valley that we failed to review during our two-week excursion into Chilean Malbecs. 

Nose: Odd and shockingly vegetal at first, and I took probably way too much time out of my evening letting this get some air in hopes of improvement. Matters do improve slightly, but not by much. There's some red berry that pulls through, but gives the overall second impression that this is, in fact, Robutussin.

Palate: More of that red fruit medicinal blend. A little bit of oak emerges on the second and third sips, but doesn't nothing to save this from itself. Thankfully there's low acidity and tannins, along with low interest in evolving.

Finish: Medium length, and more of what was advertised on the palate. Nothing much else of note to report.

I don't know what it is with us and Chilean Malbecs that just do not gel too well. This is definitely a bottom-shelf house wine for occasions where you care not one iota of what people think of you, or as a house gift for someone whom you secretly loathe. 


Santa Rita