Review: 2017 Vina Cobos Reptil

After a week stateside, let's head south to Uco for a few bottles this week. Even though we mentioned that France would be next on the bill, we're heading back to Argentina first. We are still trying to source a few bottles that we'd like to try. Enough jibber jabber, let's get cracking on this.

Nose: Roasted plum, cocoa and tobacco leaf. With time, blackberry arrives along with quite a bit of oak. With more time, it softens and the cocoa comes through along with a touch of baking spice. Quite a promising set up.

Palate: The earthy notes come to the fore, a bit of smoke and minerality along with the blackberry and plum as I swallow. Quite complex and a bit of thyme and pepper arrive eventually, letting the fruit and savory notes interplay nicely.

Finish: Long, and in the same vein as the palate at first, but then a burst of cool mint develops a bit unexpectedly. 

From start to finish, this was a delightful bottle and was gone in very short time during the dinner with which it was served. Complicated but never overbearing or imbalanced, and one to serve people who enjoy a challenging experience. 


Vina Cobos