Review: 2017 Carmela Durigutti Reserva Las Computeras

I guess possibly this week could be a trifecta from Argentina, but today we have one from Lujan and Durigutti, whom I could have sworn we've reviewed prior to this but apparently not. I've enjoyed quite a few glasses from this vineyard and cannot recall anything wildly offensive or malodorous. I do recall it being a lot more fruit-forward. Gentle reader, I will now relieve you of any other anecdotes and cut to the chase.

Nose: As memory served me well (for once), very tight with strawberry and raspberry sweetness with mild clove and ginger from under the alcohol with some air. A little bit of dried cherry emerges with time, about side one of Kind of Blue

Palate: Starts with the red fruit from the nose and does away with baking spice in favor of garden herbs. A bit of rosemary and mild plum. Incredibly well-balanced and complete with medium tannins and acidity. Very approachable. 

Finish: Long. The impact of the fruit wears off gradually and there's a faint trace of chocolate and coffee grounds that rounds things off in a very earthy fashion.

From sweet to earthy in the length of one glass, this is a solid buy at the price and has a surprising amount of complexity towards the end that I did not anticipate on first approach with the nose.

