Review: 2020 Anakena Nuna Reserve


Let's carry on with the week of Malbecs from Chile. On Monday we covered Montes Alpha which was as much of a mint bomb as anything I've encountered in a bit. Not being fully versed what to expect from Chilean Malbec flavor profiles, I was a bit taken by surprise. Especially as it was endorsed by a former contributor to this site. Let's see if there's a consistency to be had here. 

Nose: There's sweetness leading the charge, but not a trace of mint in sight. There's black cherry right off the top with notes of plum and vanilla mixed in. As it sits the vanilla retreats and the black cherry wins favor. With a bit more time the vanilla retreats completely and a mild floral note appears underneath. 

Palate: Comes in as advertised by the nose, with a great deal more acidity than anticipated. Very approachable and the plum amps itself up for a greater role. A second sip consistently presents plum, with cherry towards the finish.

Finish: Red fruit entirely, a lively back and forth between the dominant cherry and some strawberry. The strawberry pops out and the end.

People who appreciate the fruiter aspects of Malbec (whether from France or Argentina, or whatever the region really) will enjoy this and find no fault to be had. As I tend to gravitate towards more of the dark fruit, tobacco and earthier elements, this wasn't fully my cup of tea but I can easily see how someone can get excited.
