Review: 2018 Montes Alpha Malbec

My area of expertise is Not Chile, and therefore I am looking to engage over the next several weeks with as many opportunities I can find within my regional area. I have purchased a few bottles already in advance of this campaign, and hope to find a few more to help fill out some missing gaps in coverage. I'm going to start with this Montes Alpha, as it was one that came highly recommended by a former anonymous contributor to this here site. They a convinced of Chile's position as a sleeper region for quality Malbecs that are worth twice their asking price. I'm skeptical, but excited to see where this adventure leads.

Nose: Subtle peppermint and tobacco on first approach, with dark fruit arriving secondary. Continues in this vein with an appearance of clove emerging over time. The mint and tobacco are definitely on top, with fruit sitting underneath.

Palate: Medium bodied with light tannins. The mint takes a breather and notes of blackberry and black pepper take charge of the operation and make the call to shift from sweet to savory. The sweeter notes expand with repeated sips, but never relinquishing its role from the nose.

Finish: Rich and complex, medium-length. The oak influence emerges with great presence and delivers a nice note of vanilla which lingers. 

An agreeable bottle and I'm glad I still have another glass remaining to savor. I'm not 100% sure about my (former) colleague's hyperbolic positioning but respect their passionate argument nevertheless. A reasonably solid purchase. 


Montes Alpha