Review: 2018 De Negoce Horse Heaven Hills Malbec Lot 142

Back from Chile. Had a great time. Now we return to the United States for a few. Because no doubt when you think Malbec, you think America, correct?

So De Negoce is an online retailer that sources wines, put them under their own label, and sells them at deep discounts. It's a brokerage/futures thing, as best I understand, and I understand very little. But I do understand Malbecs and some vineyards on the West Coast are a bit rich in the pocketbook, so I'll take a stab at a few. Bought a six-pack featuring three Malbecs and three Cabs. So let's dig in.

Nose: First and foremost This isn't 100% Malbec. It's 88% Malbec, 4% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Merlot, 3% Petite Verdot, 1% Syrah, and the Cab and Merlot definitely softens the nose on the first approach, which is a mix of plum and coffee. The baking spice emerges on second sniff. With a bit of time there's more coffee and blackberry melding together nicely.

Palate: Restrained, but full of blackberry in the lead that turns sweeter as I swallow. Not a candy bomb, thankfully, as the oak and coffee hold things back. There's a touch of minerality emerging with repeated sips. Medium tannins and not as burly of a body thanks to the blending. Very approachable and something which could be something with which to ease into the heavier Malbecs for autumn and winter.

Finish: Medium-long. The oak takes a quiet lead as the fruit dissipates. A bit more minerality towards the end, but everything carries onward from the palate.

A surprising experience given the blind faith one has to entrust in the entire process. Because of shipping, I would wait a few weeks to a month in order to let the bottles settle before opening. De Negoce never reveals the source of the picks, but considering how enjoyable this was? I am guessing this is from Mike Januik. 


De Negoce