Review: 2019 La Posta Fazzio

We started the month off with a La Posta from Mendoza, and now we're heading in a different direction with another offering, this time from Tupungato. We seem to be gravitating towards A) Catena dominant selections from Argentina and B) the La Posta label throughout this year. Perhaps because it's consistent in quality versus price point, possibly because of the accessibility. We've liked them all thus far, so let's see if this stacks up against the siblings.

Nose: Violets, which rapidly expand into artificial candy territory that almost gives it a medicinal quality as it goes. 

Palate: Tart-sweet plum and cherry, with mildly oak. Quite approachable with a bit more time and air. The medicinal tones from the nose linger but aren't as pronounced. Mild acidity and asertive tannins which don't wear out their welcome. 

Finish: Medium-length, descriptor-wise there's new ground to tread. 

A bit of an unexpected turn if you're looking for something similar to the Paulucci and Pizzella offerings, but no less pleasant. A nice curiosity and an alternate take on Mendoza. Another nice one to have around the house for everyday occasions/people popping in for a glass. On a superficial note: probably my favorite label design of the La Posta Clan.

$20 USD 

La Posta Vineyards