Review: 2018 Luigi Bosca Terroir Los Miradores

2018 Luigi Bosca Terroir Los Miradores

Recent chatter on the Slack Channel suggests that Luigi Bosca is one worth seeking out, but then heading over to its website and this particular bottle, purchased about 3 months ago, is nowhere to be found in its stable of offerings. I kind of enjoy this notion, as it feels as if I may have hit on a secret stash or a pot of gold. Sort of like finding a rare record in the dollar bin and joyously staring in disbelief that it is in your hands. Side note: wine is not jazz. Don’t compare the two. I’ll dive into that hot take with a little more detail later. I did find some technical information, and since Terroir is right there in the title, I figured I would share:

“Sourced exclusively from the estate’s Finca Los Miradores, located at an elevation of 1,150 meters in Villa Seca in the Valle de Uco subregion of Mendoza. Continental climate, with a wide range of temperature between day and night, and distinct seasons which contribute to good plant growth.

10 years ago; three separate selections of Malbec from other vineyards within the Bosca estate were planted in the Finca Los Miradores in order to select the best strain to produce this wine. The grapes that obtained the best expression were selected, and after a decade the vines have been settled in their terroir and have achieved a perfect balance to provide grapes of excellent quality. Grapes grown in Finca Los Miradores are biodynamically grown, yields are very low with approximately 1.25 vines producing a single finished bottle.”

There will be a quiz on this later. Commit everything you read to long-term memory. 

The notes:

Nose: blackberry, plum, and some pipe tobacco

Palate: oak-influenced but balanced with more dark stone fruit, medium-acidity

Finish: quite long, but never wears out its welcome. Cherry heavy but ventures into herbaceous territory after a bit. 

Commentary: Kicking myself for not getting a second bottle for the rack. It’s a bit pricey, but one certainly gets what they pay for in this instance. Quality stuff.