Review: 2017 Layer Cake Malbec

layer cake

Devotees of the site will recall during yesterday's missive that there was a mention of other Malbec readily available that are also difficult experiences to endure? No? That's fine. We just caught you up. But this is certainly one of those tests that try a person's soul. "Richly layered" is a phrase I copped from the site's main text, and that would be a correct starting point for this evaluation. This thing is layered, but it's quite convoluted and in the middle of an identity crisis. This is the kind of bottle when taste and elegance are not primary objectives. 

By my initial and secondary approaches, I've noticed mint, soap, wax, blackberry, rubber tire, scorched Fritos, extinguished match smoke and clove. The finish is mercifully dry and filled with all of the previously mentioned notes along with some vanilla and tomato sauce. 

So there's that. Consume upon your own free will. I find it incredibly hard to believe this is from Mendoza, but even the Chicago Bull of the 90s had their benchwarmers.
