Review: 2013 Finca Adalgisa

2013 Finca Adalgisa

Sometimes my mind boggles at how much Malbec is available. I’m not sure if it’s because more is being produced, less is being consumed, or we are on the verge of a golden age in the horn of plenty. I’m sure there’s a PDF somewhere that has these stats. But either way, it feels like a win all around. 

I’ve had this one floating about for a bit and figured it was time to open it up. Lots of blueberry and baking spice immediately, but then after some time out in the open, there was a surprising note of balsamic which took over. Not as much blackberry or dark fruit on the palate as I had anticipated but there’s a surprising bit of menthol and earthen elements. Very autumnal and has a nice touch of heat in the finish. Pleasant, but not sure I would have waited as long to open this up.

$45 USD