Review: 2018 Vina Cobos Felino Malbec

2018 Vina Cobos Felino Malbec
I’ve had more than one bottle of Vina Cobos where I was so pleased with the quality I didn’t want to share, making remarks to company about the quality of the beer or whisky available as a red herring. And if I had to share, it was in the company of people for whom I have profound reverence. Some of the Cobos Estate picks are pricey, but worth every cent. This didn’t feel like one of those. The nose had a peculiar combination that could best be described as a shredded burnt tire with expired preserves. The palate was nothing to write home about either, full of vegetal notes that made the whole thing feel off. Like drinking a Kirkland Costco malbec mixed with a V8. I wasn’t sure what on earth was going on here, but this one was a hard pass. Surprisingly brutal. Not sure what happened here. Hopefully, it was just a bad one-off bottle. $30 USD