Review: 2017 Finca La Celia Heritage Malbec

2017 Finca La Celia Heritage Malbec

As someone who calls the Bluegrass region of the United States home, I am so sick of seeing horses everywhere in art. It is painfully ubiquitous and I am so so thankful for any sort of reprieve from it. So I was less than thrilled with the lady from my usual wine stop when she presented this to me, the first bottle from the case. 

My level of enthusiasm remained consistent when cracking this open. A standard-sized malbec with dark berry, sour cherry and plum on the nose. The palate kept the fruit going but the tannins were a bit harsh and the finish had a vegetal note which was slightly off-putting. 

Not the worst glass I have tried in 2022, but certainly half a track lap away from the best.


La Celia Wines