Review: 2017 Bodega Colome Estate

Bodega Colome Estate

There has been more than one inquiry or complaint filed with our human resources department over the quality of our reviews. They speak to the lack of technical information and analytic nuance found in our assessments. These are critical, and it’s unanimous amongst our cohort that terroir does matter. But there are numerous sites on the web where this level of technical expertise is readily available, and our technical expertise is just enough to comprehend but not do full chemical analyses on the data’s impact in our evaluations. We can tell you why a strike or pass from Messi is a work of art or site to behold but have minimal interest in the physiological or chemical reactions involved in the process of that art. They have their place and point and importance to the process. Just not here.

Which pivots to another work of art from Argentina: Bodega Colome. Although our collective group shelves have different vintages as inventory, we drew straws to determine who would take the first stab. This vineyard is one of three we almost unanimously agree upon as high quality. So the fanboy river flows strongly through this one. Amazing balance of darker fruits and herbs that pop out. It’s nicely balanced on the palate and well-lush: loads of blackberry and cassis that are nuanced to Duke Ellington levels composition. A long-lasting finish makes it hard to enjoy because there’s a great temptation to reach for the next sip. This one can be hard to locate stateside, but if it’s in stock it won’t be for long. One of us may well snatch it up.

$28 USD