2010 Vina Cobos Malbec Marchiori Vineyard Malbec

2010 Vina Cobos Malbec Marchiori Vineyard Malbec

So there haven’t been many older vintage reviews on the site. This is for good reason. One, some of us belong to a class of people commonly known as “the poors” amongst the wealth-having amongst us and two, the majority of us don’t hang on to wine for too long. There’s four of us here (and our numbers are growing) and not many bottles aging in our basements.

Perhaps if we could find someone in our neck of the woods willing to advance the cause we would have more coverage. For now one gets what they gets. This entry proves the exception, and only because it was aged at my parents place and my dad completely forgot about it. Opening the bottle gave us the gift of hydrogen sulfide, so we decanted.

Thank god we did. Resting in the decanted presented a nose of blackberry, clove and campfire and a well-balanced palate of rich plum, fig and dark cherry. I’m not sure how many bottles are readily available at the moment, but this was a special bottle worth hunting down. Although that could also be the nostalgia and sentiment of the moment talking.

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