Review: 2018 Terrazas de los Andes Malbec Reserva

2018 Terrazas de los Andes Malbec Reserva

I’m not here to bear my soul on any subject but if there is one thing I usually find it’s a silver lining in a bad situation. If nothing else, I can usually cultivate a learning experience that I can readily share via a group text no one answers. There’s nothing bad here to report, though.

Terrazas was my gateway to Malbec way back when, and by way back when I mean back when I could start the night at 10pm rather than ending it. Back when I used to skip the Al Jarreau tracks on a mix CDR instead of establishing them as a starting point to relaxation. And I’m pleased to say that there’s been a consistent connection with each re-visitation. The usual suspects make their entrance and exit: blackberry, oak, baking chocolate. And then there are some nice cameo notes of oak and coffee. It’s still bold and burly, no punches pulled but it’s not as acidic in recent years.

I try not to praise the French too often, for it keeps them halfway humble. Otherwise we’d have a nation of people acting like Paul Pogba. But much to their credit Moët & Hennessy keep this consistent and delightful. Keep this one around for a bit or bring it to dinner parties. People will speak highly of it and if they don’t, you know it’s time to leave before dessert is served.