Review: 2017 Carmelo Patti Malbec

2017 Carmelo Patti Malbec
Aside from the birthname, there are so many parallels one could draw between Carmelos Patti and Anthony. Both are gristled, bruised veterans of the game who have seen their respective places evolve as the marketplace does but remain resistant to necessarily going along with all changes. Both do things their own way, in their own time, and have accumulated a reputation for excellence. Both were brought to Argentina on a small boat from post-war Sicily. Let’s do this one Sergestyle™

Nose: tobacco leaf, strawberry and a bit of minerality. Palate: Pomegranate, Violet and a touch of blackberry Finish: Strawberry and a surprising bit of cool mint. Comments: Very distinctive and something off the beaten path of the usual Malbec tropes. Lives up to its name.

$34 USD

Carmelo Patti